Washer Drum Maintenance: Preventing Unwanted Odors

Washer Drum Maintenance: Preventing Unwanted OdorsWhile there are several common washer issues homeowners may come across, having odors in your washing machine is one that makes laundry a very unpleasant task. Keeping your washing machine free from odors is not only essential for ensuring that your clothes come out clean, but also for the longevity of your machine.

This article will guide you through a step-by-step process on how to effectively maintain your washer drum, prevent odor build-up, and ensure your laundry routine remains a fresh and pleasant task.

From regular cleaning at home to contacting a professional washer repair company, these five steps will keep odors at bay and your washing machine in optimal condition.


  1. Clean the Drum Regularly
  2. Run a Cleaning Cycle
  3. Use a Odor-Removing Product
  4. Leave the Door Open
  5. Call a Professional

1. Step One: Clean the Drum Regularly

Over time, residue from detergent, fabric softener, and grime from clothing can build up on the inside of the washing machine drum, creating an environment conducive for the growth of mold and mildew. These microorganisms are often the culprits behind unpleasant smells coming from your appliance.

To clean the drum, run an empty wash cycle at the highest temperature setting using a washing machine cleaner or a homemade solution of vinegar and baking soda. This should be done at least once a month or more frequently if you use your washing machine heavily. Regular cleaning not only keeps your washer smelling fresh but also enhances its performance and longevity.

2. Step Two: Run a Cleaning Cycle

This process is crucial in eliminating any stubborn residues or lingering smells that regular washing doesn’t get rid of. To do this, start with an empty washing machine and set it to the hottest water setting.

Some washing machines have a self-clean function specifically designed for this purpose. If your machine doesn’t have this feature, you can create your own cleaning solution using common household items.

Fill the drum with hot water and add either a specialized washing machine cleaner or a homemade solution such as vinegar. Vinegar is a natural deodorizer and can help dissolve soap residue and mineral deposits in your machine. Allow the machine to run a complete cycle. Performing this cleaning cycle monthly, or more frequently if you can, will ensure your washer remains fresh and clean, which means fresh and clean laundry too.

3. Step Three: Use an Odor-Removing Product

After conducting a thorough cleaning cycle, there might still be some stubborn smells that persist. If that is the case, do not worry. That doesn’t mean you have to call a washer repair service just yet.

There are products specifically designed to combat these odors that can be very effective. These products come in various forms such as tablets, powders, or liquids, and are typically added to the drum before running a normal or cleaning cycle. They contain active ingredients that not only neutralize unpleasant odors but also break down the build-up of detergent and fabric softener residues, which are common culprits for causing bad smells.

It’s recommended to use these products once a month or after every 30 cycles for optimal results. Always remember to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using these products to ensure safety and effectiveness.

4. Step Four: Leave the Door Open

Keep Your Washer Drum Odor-Free With Five Easy StepsAfter each wash, it is suggested that you leave the washer door ajar for at least a few hours. This allows the interior of the machine to dry out thoroughly, reducing the chance of mold and mildew growth which are often responsible for bad smells. It also prevents the build-up of moisture, which can lead to the formation of rust over time.

Please be aware if you have small children or pets, ensure their safety by checking that they cannot access the open machine.

5. Step Five: Call a Professional 

If you are still having problems with odors, it may be time to call a professional appliance repair service for help. Experienced technicians can inspect your washer to find the culprit of the bad smell.

This could range from a problem with the drain hose, the gasket, or even an internal component of the washer. While there is a cost associated with this service, it could potentially save you from more expensive repairs down the line and extend the life of your machine.

The experts at Comfort Appliance Repair in Covington offer washer repairs no matter the issue. Comfort Appliance Repair services large appliances throughout the Atlanta region including refrigerator repair, oven repair, dryer repair and more. If you’re looking for a washer repair in Atlanta to fix the odors in your machine, give Comfort Appliance Repair a call today.

By Dennis Godynuk, Owner of Comfort Appliance Repair

Dennis Godynuk is the owner of Comfort Appliance Repair in Covington, GA. Comfort Appliance provides fast and reliable repair services for all major household appliances. Dennis and his team of experienced technicians can tackle any problem, from broken refrigerators to malfunctioning dishwashers, and their prices are very competitive. Customers can rest easy knowing that their appliances are in good hands when they call Comfort Appliance Repair.